LUME After Hours | Jazz w/ Stephanie Landwehr
mié 29 de mar
All dancers and teachers are to follow LA City Vaccine mandate

Horario y ubicación
29 mar 2023, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. GMT-7
The LIGHTHOUSE, 1101 Westerly Terrace unit b, Los Angeles, CA 90026, USA
Open Class Pass
: Any person who participates in dance classes provided by Lume Dance Inc. shall do so at their own risk. They shall assume all risk involved, including but not limited to all loss or stolen property, cost, claim, injury, damage, or liability sustained while participating. Lume Dance Inc. will not be held liable for any misfortune that may occur. By purchasing this ticket, you are agreeing to the above statement.
18,00 US$Comisión de servicio: +0,45 US$Venta finalizadaLume Collective Members
: Any person who participates in dance classes provided by Lume Dance Inc. shall do so at their own risk. They shall assume all risk involved, including but not limited to all loss or stolen property, cost, claim, injury, damage, or liability sustained while participating. Lume Dance Inc. will not be held liable for any misfortune that may occur. By purchasing this ticket, you are agreeing to the above statement.
10,00 US$Comisión de servicio: +0,25 US$Venta finalizadaLIGHT
: Any person who participates in dance classes provided by Lume Dance Inc. shall do so at their own risk. They shall assume all risk involved, including but not limited to all loss or stolen property, cost, claim, injury, damage, or liability sustained while participating. Lume Dance Inc. will not be held liable for any misfortune that may occur. By purchasing this ticket, you are agreeing to the above statement.
8,00 US$Comisión de servicio: +0,20 US$Venta finalizadaIGNITE Member Pass
8,00 US$Comisión de servicio: +0,20 US$Venta finalizada
0,00Â US$